Friday, 6 April 2012

40 Days for Life - the end

The campaign ended Sunday. It's been truly amazing though! I couldn't go as much in the last few weeks though, life got in the way big time.

I want to the day if the unborn which was the usual solemn Mass in the morning followed by a procession around Sydney to parliament house and back again. It was the best NO I've ever seen, a male choir chanted the introit in Latin as they processed to the altar. They sung Palastrina and other polyphony so beautifully. It was a bit odd with the NO, but good. Bishop Portius is a good celebrant too, and even used the pulpit which is warped around one of the massive pillars.

We then slowly made our way out into the street, it was raining a little so people tried to hide under the Cathedral first. The rain left, and it became hot in the Sunday, especially with my black 40 Days for Life shirt on. It was a cross wearing it through the city, but it's good that it can be both a witness and a tiny humiliating martyrdom.

We sung at the end of each decade of the Rosary, the main singer stuffed up slightly when he sing the wrong tune, and everyone followed along. He apologised and everyone's laughter echoed through the city scape. I think it was good becausek it made look joyful, rather than morose. We stood in front of parliament for a while, some curious security guards stared at us from the second floor, one even took a picture. We took off after a speech from a representive from FLI. I was surprised when we started heading through Martin place, but the sound of How Great Thou Art, echoing through the streets was breathtaking!

We rounded into Hyde singing Ave Maria, and as we crossed finished with Help of Christians into a beautiful line between each verse Id never heard before, obviously to help with marching, 'Holy Mary, pray for us!'. We ended with benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, about a thousand people there. It was a lovely day. I had to change out of my shirt to go get lunch though, to as void awkwardness in public and at home with my room mates who still don't know I've prayed outside an abortion clinic!

It's been a life-changing few weeks, I live how many young people care enough to show up too. Can't wait till next year!

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